Friday was Anneliese's 2nd birthday. Can you believe it? We can't, our baby is already two. She has been talking about her birthday for about a week now and for three days leading up to it she would burst out into her own version of happy birthday. We took this video in the morning before she went out to see her presents (my family is German and in Germany you do presents first thing in the morning). FYI- Anneliese call herself Lila because she can't say her full name. It has caught on and we all call her Lila now too.
This is her blowing out her candles on her muffin (6:45 AM is a bit early for cake).
Obviously she is a complete ham like her brother. I don't know if that is genetic or just something she has learned from him. We did watch a video from her first birthday where she was doing almost the exact same little side to side dance (minus the head action) while we sang so maybe it comes to her naturally. As you can tell, she is definitely a silly kid right now.
Here is her cake that we had after dinner. She saw the Ariel candle in the store and had to have it over any other type of decoration we looked at. It made it easy to come up with a theme for the cake, harder to decorate it with my meager decorating skills and uncooperateive pan that wanted to keep half of the cake for itself. Fortunately two year-olds aren't too picky, and most six year-olds are pretty happy when a cake is held together by oodles of frosting and then coated with two types of sugar!
SOOO cute! I love her personality, she is going to be a fun person all her life!
I laughed and laughed. She is so funny. I wrote you an e-mail and then I found you blog Cheria's. Yeah!
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